Adobe updated these Apps for M1, and made them a Crazy 80% Faster | Pocketnow Leave a comment

Adobe today has announced a major new update that is coming soon to its Creative Cloud software suite. Adobe Illustrator and InDesign will run natively on Apple M1 devices. The changes mean that on average, the performance of the Creative Cloud apps can be over 80% faster on an M1 Mac, compared to a similarly configured Intel-based device.

The new update will come with a massive speed and performance boost, as well as a lot of  improvements to ensure it works perfectly. According to Adobe, Illustrator will see an overall 65 percent increase in performance on an M1 Mac vs an Intel model. InDesign users will see similar gains with a 59 percent improvement on overall performance on Apple Silicon.

Adobe InDesign on Apple Silicon M1 can open graphics-heavy files 185 percent faster, and the scroll performance on a text-heavy document of 100 pages is also improved by about 78 percent. Illustrators’ scroll performance when editing complex vectors has been improved by 390 percent, and opening new files with 31 complex artboards is now 119 percent faster. 

There are also a number of new smaller updates that are launching today, including custom brushes in Photoshop for iPad, Super Resolution is available in Lightroom and Lightroom Classic, and custom crop aspect ratios can also be set up. Photoshop Express will also receive a number of smoothing features and content-aware functions.

There are no words about when Adobe Premiere Pro will become publicly available and be out of the beta program, however a public release is expected to arrive soon, according to Adobe.

Roland is a technology enthusiast and software engineer based in United Kingdom.

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