GoPro Labs update uses motion to auto-start and stop recording Leave a comment

(Pocket-lint) – GoPro has announced a new firmware update through its experimental GoPro Labs program that will enable a host of new features, enabling interesting ways to control your camera if you’re a ‘pro’ user. And some of them sound really useful. 

Most of the updates revolve around various triggers for recording and capturing, one of which is a motion trigger. You can use your camera’s gyroscope and/or accelerometer to start recording only when the camera is moving. So if you’re riding a bike – as an example – and you stop, the recording will stop. 

Similarly, you can use the USB power trigger to do the same when it detects external power through its USB-C port, meaning it could function as a dashcam, assuming you have enough storage on your memory card. 

In order to serve the motion trigger capability, GoPro has enhanced motion detection to ensure it’s available in all video modes, regardless of frame rate and resolution. 

Other new features including a single-setting or one-button mode, where anyone using the camera can only start or stop capture and stops accidental mode changes from occurring when pressing the wrong button. 

There’s a simplified live-streaming mode that can start recording much sooner after connecting to a specific Wi-Fi networks and new exposure modes for setting timed exposure locks and minimum shutter speed settings. 

All these experimental features will be available to download from from today and is compatible with the Hero 9 Black, Hero 8 Black, Hero 7 Black and GoPro Max

Writing by Cam Bunton.

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