Netflix’s Bone Series Moving Forward With a Mystery ‘Dream Team’ Leave a comment

A scene from Jeff Smith's classic comic Bone.

The Bone Netflix show is moving along.
Image: Jeff Smith

That life seemingly skipped from 2019 to 2021 in a blink of an eye has been both good and bad for Netflix’s animated adaptation of the classic comic series Bone. On one hand, there’s a very good chance in the past year you may have forgotten this was even a thing. On the other hand, behind the scenes, it allowed creator Jeff Smith to assemble the very best people to bring his world to life. He just won’t tell you who they are yet.

“There were a couple of people that worked on some shows that I [asked about] because I watched a bunch of Cartoon Network shows and some Netflix shows,” Smith said in an interview with Polygon. “’Is this person around? Can we get this person? What’s this guy doing now? Or what’s she doing?’ And thanks to the pandemic, I was able to get everybody I wanted.” Which, Smith knows, doesn’t sound great. The pandemic was not a good thing for anyone. But the passage of time and movement on different shows meant all the people he hoped could work on Bone suddenly became available.

“I say ‘Thanks’ because there were people that were in contract, but we were delayed by like, eight or nine months because of the pandemic,” he continued. “[By that time] the contracts were up, and I got everybody I wanted. I don’t want to really say who they are, because I don’t want to steal Netflix’s thunder but, yes. I got my dream team of animation people, and I’m pretty excited about it so far.”

So who are some people who worked on great Cartoon Network and Netflix animated shows that Smith could have poached in the past year? Speculate below. But once Smith is ready to tell us who those people are, it only means seeing Bone finally brought to life—after many other iterations—is that much closer to reality.

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